What Are the Signs that Your Redcliffe Property Might Have Asbestos?

Posted July 19, 2023


Did you know that your charming Redcliffe property could be housing a silent but deadly guest? We’re talking about asbestos. This term might ring a bell or two, but do we fully grasp its implications? Let’s shed light on this subject and why it’s crucial to be on the lookout for this hidden health hazard.

History and Usage of Asbestos in Australia

Australia’s love affair with asbestos dates back to the late 19th century, with the industrial-scale mining of this fibrous mineral kicking off around 1930. Fast-forward to the late 1980s, and Australia was a top consumer of asbestos, primarily in the construction industry. Regrettably, Redcliffe wasn’t spared in this trend.

In the heyday of asbestos, it was hailed as the ‘magic mineral’. Its fire-resistant and insulating properties made it a darling in the building industry. Yet, behind its appealing façade lurked an insidious health risk.

Health Risks Associated with Asbestos

The adage, ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’, doesn’t apply to asbestos. Its fibres, when inhaled, can trigger a host of asbestos-related diseases, such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer. 

How to Identify Asbestos in Your Property

So, you may be asking, “how can I tell if there’s asbestos lurking in my home?” Here are some tell-tale signs:

  • Age of the property: If your house was built or renovated between the 1940s and 1980s, it’s more likely to have asbestos-containing materials.
  • Vinyl tiles and sheet flooring: Check for patterns, especially nine-inch squares. Asbestos was commonly used in vinyl sheet flooring backing and the adhesives used for installing floor tiles.
  • Corrugated roofing sheets: If they appear fibrous, weathered, or have visible layers, it’s a potential sign of asbestos.

Remember, though, only a professional inspection and testing can give a definitive answer.

What to Do If You Suspect Asbestos in Your Property

Finding potential asbestos in your property can be daunting, but don’t panic. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Don’t touch or disturb it: Asbestos is most dangerous when it’s disturbed, releasing fibres into the air.
  2. Get a professional asbestos inspection: It’s a must! Professional asbestos inspectors have the training and equipment to safely test for asbestos.
  3. **Follow the local asbestos removal regulations: If asbestos is confirmed, hire a licensed asbestos removalist. They’ll adhere to strict safety protocols to protect you and the environment.

Preventing Asbestos Exposure

Prevention, as they say, is better than cure. It’s especially true with asbestos. When planning renovations or demolitions, engage an asbestos surveyor to identify any asbestos-containing materials in your home. Better safe than sorry!

Moreover, if you’ve got asbestos materials in good condition in your home, sometimes it’s safer to leave them undisturbed. Keep an eye out for signs of wear or damage, though, as they may lead to asbestos exposure.


Now that you’ve got the lowdown on asbestos, you’re better equipped to protect your family from its hidden dangers. Remember, vigilance and professional handling are your best defence against this invisible threat.

In the fight against asbestos, knowledge is power, and we hope this piece has added to your armoury. Stay safe, Redcliffe!

1. Q: How quickly can ZKL Asbestos respond to an asbestos removal request in Redcliffe?

A: ZKL Asbestos is committed to responding to all asbestos removal Redcliffe requests as swiftly as possible. We’re based locally in Redcliffe, so we can typically start the process within 24-48 hours from when the request is received. However, please bear in mind that the actual commencement of the asbestos removal work depends on various factors, including the scale of the task, the testing process, and legal procedures.

2. Q: What measures does ZKL Asbestos take to ensure safety during the asbestos removal process?

A: Safety is our highest priority at ZKL Asbestos. We strictly adhere to the guidelines and regulations set out by Work Health and Safety Queensland. Our team of experts is fully trained and equipped with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). All asbestos waste is properly contained and disposed of at approved facilities. Furthermore, we conduct a thorough site decontamination after the completion of the removal process.

3. Q: What types of properties does ZKL Asbestos handle in Redcliffe?

A: At ZKL Asbestos, we’re equipped to handle a wide range of properties across Redcliffe. These include residential homes, commercial buildings, industrial sites, and public buildings. Regardless of the scale or complexity of the task, our experienced team is prepared to safely and efficiently handle the asbestos removal process.

4. Q: How does ZKL Asbestos manage the risk of asbestos exposure during the removal process?

A: ZKL Asbestos follows a rigorous process to minimise the risk of asbestos exposure. This includes isolating the work area, employing dust suppression techniques, using HEPA-filtered vacuum systems, and double-bagging and sealing asbestos waste. We also carry out air monitoring during and after the removal process to ensure the environment is safe and free of asbestos fibres.

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